
委员会概述,2024年1月23日- 4月1日开始平均3%的税率收入增长. More...

委员们周二批准将电费收入平均提高3%, effective starting April 1, 2024.

The increase will add an estimated $3.住宅用户的月平均账单是50美元,小企业的月平均账单是10美元多一点. Learn more about why a rate increase is necessary here.

“We’ve had quite a bit of discussion on this resolution,” Commission President Tom Flint said, referring to past, well-attended commission meetings and workshops, before calling for the vote.

委员们一致认为有必要加息,但在如何在不同客户群体之间分配加息的问题上存在分歧. 批准的平均增幅对每个费率类别的影响不同, 根据向每个客户群体提供电力服务的成本(见表), below). Commissioner Nelson Cox abstained. Commissioner Flint opposed, 在过去的利率讨论中,他表示赞成全面降息, 3% increase for all rate classes.

其余三名委员投票赞成平均上调3%, 在过去的会议上说,它与现有的一致, cost-to-serve-based rate-setting policy. 他们都打算在来年审查和更新这项政策.

这一增长需要用于支付与发电和配电相关的通胀驱动的运营成本, 帮助资助必要的项目并确保持续的财务实力.

The increase will add an estimated$6.从800万美元到目前的平均年费率收入226美元.5 million. Each customer class is affected as follows:

rate increase table by class


该决议建立了一系列渐进的费率调整,直到没有零售费率类别支付超过其服务成本15%的费用, nor 20% below cost of service. The resolution designates rate schedules 1, 2, 3 and 7 as “core customers,” entitled to below-cost rates. Other rate classes pay above cost.

核准的新费率与11月11日出席人数众多的委员会讲习班上审查的工作人员提案没有变化. 21, 2023.


有关每种费率类别增加的更多详细信息,请参阅 commission packet. 在投票前没有就增加的问题进行进一步讨论.

Commissioners also:

— Heard that the Power Delivery team – line crews, engineers, 由于电力系统的扩展和旧设备的维护,调度员和支持团队的工作量越来越大. 工会和非工会的团队每周工作超过40个小时, 电力交付总监Ron Alexander和电力交付高级经理Chris Heimbigner告诉委员们.

通过改进工作管理和跟踪技术以及增加招聘来减轻工作量的计划正在进行中. Despite the challenges, 电力中断次数和持续时间的可靠性指标继续优于目标, they said. 维修工作的速度比去年快,而且在预算范围内.

“The workload is more. We need more workers,” Commissioner Larry Schaapman said. “Let’s figure out a way to do it better, safer and smarter.”

Commissioners thanked the Power Delivery, Power Production, Facilities, 感谢运输人员在最近的寒流中快速而专业的表现, which caused slippery roads, scattered outages, snapped power poles, and brutally cold working conditions around Grant County.

For more information see pages 36-54 of the presentation materials. Hear the full discussion at 1:06:27 on the commission audio.

-听取了即将到来的截至2023年12月的年度财务报表审计计划和时间表. 独立审计员MossAdams的一个小组告诉委员们,审计将在2月和3月进行,最终报告将在4月提交给委员会. The audit will focus on areas that include, subscription-based IT contracts for cloud-based software, capital assets and construction projects, power sales transactions, retail energy sales, 内部财务控制和程序,以减少风险/欺诈. “我们认为你的工作对我们非常有价值,”委员会主席汤姆·弗林特(Tom Flint)说. “It’s an independent look through fresh eyes.

For more information see pages 55-66 of the presentation materials. Hear the full discussion at 2:21:43 on the commission audio.

学会格兰特PUD的电力客户使用的电力低于2023年的预测, according to a report given by Shaun Harrington, senior financial analyst. 实际负荷是678平均兆瓦,最后是5.5% lower than the forecast of 718 average megawatts. 其中大部分差额来自商业部门, including large general service, industrial customers and ag food processing. In 2022, the average load was 667 average megawatts.

See the full presentation on pages 68 to 103 of the presentation materials. Hear the discussion at 3:34:35 on the commission audio.

-听说神父急流城的发电机修复工作提前完成了. Dale Campbell, Senior manager of Power Production, told the commissioners that the rehabilitation of Unit No. 祭司急流坝的5号大坝比计划提前30多天完工, during a Power Production quarterly update. Unit No. 5号发电机组是大坝上第五个被修复的发电机组. 承包商福伊特现在已经完成了修复大坝全部10个机组的工程的一半. Unit No. 1 is the next to be rehabilitated. 

See the full presentation on pages 107 to 128 of the presentation materials. Hear the discussion at 3:50:27on the commission audio

Approved 4-1 to purchase 3.69 acres of land owned by Friehe Holding LLC for $38,500 to build a new substation next to the Ruff Substation, 为东哥伦比亚盆地灌溉区的抽水厂提供电力,用于东低运河供水扩建项目. Commissioner Larry Schaapman voted against the proposal, 他说,他认为土地“最高和最佳用途”的估价过高,公用事业公司无法支付. After discussion with staff, the board agreed to purchase the land, 而且还要重新审视委员会长期以来的一项决议,该决议要求PUD以评估价值购买土地. See page 67 of the commission packet and hear the discussion at 3:08:43 on the commission recording

-投票批准Grant PUD战略计划的更新,并每六个月审查一次,以确保该计划包含相关信息, photos and graphics. See page 38 of the commission packet. 

-投票决定更新Grant PUD批发光纤网络的费率和费用. Service connections will increase $2.50 for participating Internet Service Providers. 特殊VLAN(虚拟局域网)服务也有更新. See page 52 of the commission packet.

-授予Arch Staffing and Consulting 300万美元的变更订单,将不超过合同金额增加到4美元.95 million. Arch Staffing and Consulting为企业技术和项目管理办公室及其他业务部门提供服务. See page 82 of the commission packet. 

— Approved a three-year contract with CxTec for $1.3.16亿美元用于Fortinet数字安全基础设施服务. See page 89 of the commission packet.

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